
The University has developed a few short, or 'mini', modules on topics we know are relevant to all students at Hallam as part of your academic, personal and professional development. We know that it is vital that students have a good understanding of Academic Integrity and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). We also recognise how important it is that you take steps to look after your own wellbeing.
These modules are designed for independent completion in about 15 minutes (although everyone is different, and it might be slightly more or slightly less for different individuals).
We suggest that all students should complete one mini-module for each of the three topics (Academic Integrity, Wellbeing and EDI) per academic year (although course teams might suggest you do more, and you may choose to do as many as you like).
Below we provide suggestions for which mini modules might be most relevant at different stages of your academic journey.


Overview of the Academic Integrity mini modules

There are six Academic Integrity mini modules which are designed to be developmental by level. We suggest you complete the mini module aimed at your level, but you can always do ones from previous levels if you want a refresher of things, you will have covered in previous years.
At level 7 there are two mini-modules, Academic Integrity for Postgraduates which builds on previous levels, and Fundamentals of Academic Integrity for Postgraduates which is aimed at students who are new to Hallam, or anyone wanting a refresher, and covers the key points from the levels 4-6.
  • Academic Integrity: Foundation Year. Covering expectation setting and confidence building
  • Academic Integrity: Level 4. Covering understanding academic misconduct and referencing.
  • Academic Integrity: Level 5. Covering referencing, RefWorks and different types of misconduct.
  • Academic Integrity: Level 6. Covering evaluating sources of information.
  • Academic Integrity for Postgraduates. Focusing on ethics.
  • Fundamentals of Academic Integrity for Postgraduates. Covers key requirements of Academic Integrity.



Overview of the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) mini modules

There are five EDI mini modules.
All students should first complete the Importance of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion mini module which introduces some key concepts. After this you can chose which other EDI modules you wish to complete in subsequent years. Please note that your course team may also require you to complete specific modules at specific times.
The EDI mini modules are:
  • Importance of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (Introductory Module).
Then (in any order):
  • Microaggressions.
  • Becoming Anti-Racist.
  • Language and Identity.
  • Embracing Diversity.



Overview of the Wellbeing mini modules

There are five Wellbeing mini modules. Each covers a different topic we know to be relevant to students. You may choose which mini module you do each year, but we have given some guidance as to which we think might be most appropriate for you depending on your level of study. This is based on feedback students have given us about what factors tend to affect their wellbeing at different points of the academic journey. Your course team might also tell you which mini-module they want you to do, but unless you have a specific topic you wish to explore, we suggest you complete the mini-module aimed at your level.
The Wellbeing mini modules are: 
  • Money and Mental Health. Particularly relevant to Foundation Year and Level 4 students.
  • 5 Ways to Wellbeing. Particularly relevant to Foundation Year and Level 4 students.
  • Enhancing Motivation. Particularly relevant to Level 5 students.
  • Stress Management. Particularly relevant to Level 6 students.
  • Overcoming Perfectionism and Procrastination. Particularly relevant to Level 7 students.



How to Access the Hallam Mini-Modules

The Hallam mini modules are usually available on Course Organisation sites on Blackboard, although some module leaders might also have made them available on Module sites. If you have been asked to complete one or more of the Hallam Mini-Modules as part of your course. In which case they will tell you where to access them.

If, however, you would like to complete the mini modules for your own purposes you can also self-enrol on a Hallam Mini Modules Organisation Site. Please note, you must be logged into Blackboard before following the link to self-enrol.  



The link just takes me to the Blackboard log-in but not the actual organisation site.You might not have been logged into Blackboard when you followed the self-enrolment link. Please log into Blackboard and then follow link again.
Cannot find the site.The site is an organisation site, rather than a module site. Please check your organisations sites.
The modules don’t load.Check you have pop ups enabled.
The screen is a blank white screen.You might be using an outdated web browser, please try Google Chrome/ a university PC/ reinstalling the latest web-browser.
I can’t see the Hallam Mini Modules on my course organisation site.Please check with your Course or Module Leader that they have been made visible to students.

If you can see the site but are unable to access it, despite trying the above troubleshooting steps, please contact IT Help for further support.