How can I evidence I can work part time during term time and full time during vacations?
Employer letters confirming eligibility to work up to 20 hours a week and during recognised University vacation periods, as per the Key Dates page at Key dates | Sheffield Hallam University ( are self-service only ( and no further letters will be provided for working hours in line with your visa.
Can I work full time after I have completed my course if I am a Student visa holder?
Once a Departmental Assessment Board has confirmed your final results and you have achieved your award you are permitted to work full-time until the end of your current visa, or for 4 months (whichever of these dates comes first) and are not subject the 20 hours/week restriction as noted on your BRP.
What do I have to provide to an employer to show I have completed my course?
You can use your completers transcript, which shows the date you received your final award, or your Graduate route notification email as proof of course completion to your employer. Once your final results are released you will be able to see and download your transcript on My Student Record.
Do I need an employer letter from the University?
You do not need a letter from the University to evidence this to a potential employer: a completers transcript, downloadable from My Student Record, or your Graduate route notification email is all you need. Please see the guidance below from SHU and UKCISA, which you can share with an employer.
If employers say they are unable to employ students on a full-time basis without further evidence, this may be a company rule, rather than a UKVI rule, and is out of our control. You can direct them to the Employer Checking Service so they can check directly with the UKVI, however it can take time for the UKVI to update your status after the University has reported completion, so it may provide a false response that states you are still restricted to working a maximum of 20 hours per week.