
Placement Planning Lifecycle

Within the placements team each member of staff will look after a different cohort and plan placements, each member will follow the same plan as outlined below. There may be some movement on the schedule during university closures e.g., Bank Holidays.

12 weeks before – SHU and the trusts come together to agree numbers and placement areas for students. A reminder about clearance (to ensure the DBS, Occupational Health and Mandatory Training requirements have been met for the programme) will be sent to students. Please note, students will not be allocated a placement without meeting their course clearance requirements.

10 weeks before – We will have received all placement areas and will begin allocating via PEMS (our Placement Education Management System).

8 weeks before – We will release allocations to students and will give students the chance to appeal their allocation with a 1-week deadline. The appeal link will be on the PEMS message within your account, we will also send out a hard clearance reminder – to ensure you have met the clearance requirements above.

7 weeks before – We will hold a mitigating circumstances panel and agree the outcomes for the appeals. This involves members of the placement team and course team. You will find out on this week if your appeal has been upheld or declined. At this point if there are any students who are not clear (DBS, Occupational Health or Mandatory Training), the placement will be removed from them.

6 weeks before – We send all final allocations back to trusts, after this there is no movement and students are expected to attend the placement that has been provided for them.

2 weeks before – Students can then start to contact placement areas to arrange shifts etc.

That is then the end of the allocation process, we ask that students do not contact wards until 2 weeks before their placement start date as wards will have not been informed until then and may say that they are not expecting you.


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