
Submitting your assignments:
During your studies, you will be responsible for ensuring your assignments are submitted correctly and before the due date. When submitting your assignment, you will be asked to submit either:
- Online
- Or in person.

On your course you will be instructed how you are expected to submit your work. Most often you will be asked by your module leader to submit online using Blackboard.
Submitting on Blackboard:
To submit through Blackboard, first login using your Hallam email address. Select the module you want to upload your work to and navigate to the assessment area, then:
- Choose your submission point
- Select 'attach files'
- Upload your attachment and submit
- You will receive an email confirmation to confirm has been uploaded successfully, this will also contain a submission receipt.
You can also check your work has been added successfully via the 'My grades' tab in Blackboard.
Can't find a submission point:
If your submission point is not visible on the module site, you should contact the module leader as soon as possible. They will be able to make changes to the system to allow you to submit your work.
Submitting in person:
If your module leader has requested you submit your assignment in person, they will give you more detailed instructions on where and how they expect you to submit your assignment physically.


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