When will my student loan payment be made?
The earliest date that your student loan can be paid is the first instalment payment date. You can check this on your student finance online account with Student Finance England (or other award authority).
SHU will need to confirm your registration to Student Loans Company (SLC) before your first instalment can be paid.
When will SHU confirm my registration to Student Loans Company?
When your application for student finance has been approved the Student Loans Company will ask SHU to confirm your registration.
We start to confirm registration shortly before the start date of your course each year.
Once you are fully enrolled (not conditional enrolment) and your student finance application is approved we will confirm your registration.
You can check the progress of your registration confirmation in My Student Record.
If you are on the placement year, we will not need to confirm your registration.
What should I do if my student finance application is for a different university?
You might have made your student finance application for a different university for example if you came to SHU through clearing.
If it is before the start date of your course, you can change your student finance application by logging into your student finance account.
If it is after the start of term you will need to ask us to tell SFE about the change for you. You can do this by emailing sits-help@shu.ac.uk. Please include your CRN in the email.
What should I do if I need to change my course, year of study or fee on my application?
If your study details have changed since you submitted your application, you may need to update your details.
If it is before the start date of your course, you can change your student finance application by logging into your student finance account.
If it is after the start of term you will need to ask us to tell SFE about the change for you. You can do this by emailing sits-help@shu.ac.uk.